Merry Christmas

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Dec 252008

Merry Christmas and
Season’s Greetings
to you and yours

 Posted by at 2:50 pm
Dec 212008

Ok, this issue came up due to a comment I received (see below.) Here I assumed that the Guide Seller Nyhm was who I thought he claimed to be: the Video Maker Nyhm. So if it’s not the case then there’s the Nyhm who sells a set of WoW guides and there’s the Nyhm who has put together a set of cool videos, some of which I’ve posted on this blog.

I’ve sent emails to both, asking “What’s up with this?” and I’ll try again later if I don’t get a response. I’ll update this post with any replies I get. Feel free to add your comments, as well.

Nyhm of the Vids sent this comment, to this post, this morning:

B***S***!!  This is not me, i never did an interview with anyone, this is some fool still trying to sell his garbage. Im getting damn sick of this shit and im going to have to make a video putting this site and any gold selling site out of buisness once and for all.

Im done with this b***s***!

By the way, I saved the email interview. So it looks like there are the two Nyhms (and I’ve been told that this might be the case.)

Until then I’ll go through all my Nyhm posts and delete the guide references that looks like they confuse the two Nyhms and make sure that Nyhm of the Vids gets appropriate credits.

By the way…

  1. Nyhm of the Vids page is here
  2. Nyhm of the Guide’s page is here (and it isn’t working as I write this. edit: it works now. )

Anyone care to add anything to this?

Update: Nyhm of the Videos sent an email stating that he is not the same guy as Nyhm of the guides. So I have deleted all of the guide links, since those links were on pages with videos by Nyhm of the Videos. My bad.

Update 2: Nyhm of the Guides sent an email the stated that they are different Nyhm’s, but that they have very similar characters. WoWarmory lists nearly 100 Nyhm’s as I write this, so there seem to be a few that can lay claim to the name.

updated: edited 12/31 for grammer, etc.

By the way #1: Nyhm of the Videos has graciously agreed to an interview and I’m coming up with questions to ask, which hopefully won’t be too brain-dead. Any suggestions?

12/31: No questions have come up so you’ll have to live with mine. Ha.

By the way #2: Nyhm is not to be confused with MGM’s NIMH.

Ok, now I’m going to go play WoW for a few…

 Posted by at 2:50 pm  Tagged with:

The Wrath Gate Quests

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Dec 162008

Ok, you’ve seen this before (probably,) but it’s still pretty cool. This is the WrathGate movie by Bliz.

You get to see this in-game by completing a series of quests in and around Dragonblight. This is instanced, so once it’s over the world looks a bit different, locally, anyway. Much like the Death Knight starter area.

Afterwards you need to go to Orgrimmar to help Thrall get even.

Great fun. I’m enjoying Wrath alot. Only 77 (Rogue) so far, but with limited play time, well, that’s not too bad.

 Posted by at 2:03 pm

Death Knight Rune Management

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Dec 162008

All of you Death Knights out there might be interested in this: It’s a Rune Management addon which, well, I’ll let the author describe it:

Runevolution is a small rune tracking addon. The intent is to provide a “stack” of your ready runes, so they pile up on your screen in the order you used them. This means your rotation is reflected in the rune positions on your screen.

Cooldowns are tracked by moving the runes towards the “stack” of ready runes. Therefore the order that runes will be ready is also available on the screen.

Here’s the movie and the download link: Death Knight Runevolution

 Posted by at 12:20 pm

Wrath, Raids, and What’s a DKP?

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Dec 102008

Tobald’s MMO Blog has an interesting post on Distributing Naxx loot, with his usual 8,497 comments.

….sooner or later the raiders will find themselves confronted with the question of how to distribute the epic drops. Of course established raiding guilds have systems to do that, but they might find some new complications: Wrath of the Lich King blurred class roles and stats to some extent….

Tobald’s suggests that Guild Drama will only get more interesting.

So just to be clear, I don’t raid. I’ve never been on a raid. Closest I got to a raid was one of those World Dragons where people spent 20 minutes arguing about what level he was. Zzzzzz…

Pretty much the only times I’ve been in any of the instances has been when I was soloing it for the loots. I did make it into Steamvaults, once. Non-heroic.

And yeah, I know what DKP is: Darning, Knitting, and Purling. (Ok, ok… Dragon Kill Points, right?)

With the launch of Wrath and various stats being merged and mashed together and more classes being able to use any one particular piece of gear, how are you raiders deciding who gets what?

DKPs? Seniority? Merit? Contribution? Bribery? Execution of people higher on the list? Nepotism? Girlfriends get first (and 2nd) choice? Free for all loot?

Dec 102008

The Stoppable Force has a good post for new [tag-tec]Death Knights[/tag-tec]. First on he admits to only being level 63, but by listening to what others are saying saying and doing he’s realized that he has some good stuff to offer.

His posts covers attack rotations for each tree (blood, frost, unholy) and why you want to use them. Good stuff. Some good stuff in the comments, too.

TSF Teaches You How To Start Playing Your Death Knight

Something that will be a great help in building an attack rotation, for your DK or for any character, is your keybindings. Don’t click your powers, bind them to hot keys. All other things being equal a key-binder will always outplay a clicker, because the bindings are so much faster to use.

Here’s a nice tutorial on the How and Why of keybindings, by While it’s a Warlock post I think most people will be able to use the info and adapt it to their Death Knights or any other class.

It’s the notorious topic, the eternal struggle between clickers and the rest (let’s call them pressers due to lack of terms). Many articles were published about keybinding, some good some bad, but most of them agree on one thing: binding your keys is the way to excel at this game. Here’s the rest: WoW Keybindings

More death Knight Goodness

Frost isn’t just for tanking. This wag has been doing just fine by going against convention and using a Frost Build for his Death Knight.

Pastor Playz» Blog Archive » Frosty the Deathknight was a jolly … – When the mention of the Death Knight class was introduced by blizzard I was one who . . well . . .I did not care really. To me it sounded dark and foreboding, nothing like any of the characters I like to play. …

A great overview of the Death Knight, what it’s like to play, and so on.

The Death Knight, Azeroth’s Overpowered Hero « Bird’s Sweet Blahg – You also receieve your talent points, so by the end of the quest line, you will be able to fully build your character’s spec. Let’s talk perks. For one, you get an epic riding mount from the get go for free, and it’s a Death Knight …

There be some changes comin’…  Here’s what’s currently on the test server, scroll down to see the list of possible DK changes. Of course, since it’s on the test server any given change may or may not make it to the live servers.

3.0.8 PTR Patch Notes Now Available | – PTR Patch notes where released today so I would expect to see them hit the PTR just about any time now. One thing to note, you can now create Death Knight on any server once you hit 55!

And for those of you who think that Death Knights might be underpowered…

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King | Wrath | Wotlk: Death … – Felblood, the Death Knight who recently soloed Zul’Gurub, sent us news of a new accomplishment: he’s finished off most of AQ20 as well. Kurinaxx’s Mortal Strike-like debuff apparently didn’t affect Death Strike, so he just had to dodge …

Buying and Selling and Making WoW Gold

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Nov 292008

Wrath of the Gold Gathering

Wrath of the Lich King and Northrend are bringing some interesting changes to the WoW economy. Quests pay at least 4 gold each and there are hundreds of them. Alchemists and Scribes are buying up tons of herbs and crafters are getting their tools into new leathers and ores. Not to mention the new gear, food items, and so on.

So there’s a pretty fair quantity of new items for the gold grind and a pretty fair amount of new cash coming into the game. Prices, of course, will vary from server to server and Horde side to Ally.

Do you like to farm for your gold?

Northrend herbs start at 30-40 gold a stack and go up from there. More and more farming will tend to push prices down some, but Glyphs, that require inks made from those herbs, will help to keep herb prices up. If you want to take up herbalism I have a quickie guide to leveling herbalism from scratch.

Cobalt and Saronite ore look like they’re running 40-50 gold a stack and Titanium is just grim right now. Mining is always a good money maker and all the ores sell well.

Borean leather is somewhere around 20g a stack and you’re going to be killing lots of critters, so the shear quantity of skins should keep those prices relatively low. Rarer skins, though… Artic Fur is looking pretty grim, too.

Hungry? Chunk o’ Mammoth is going for 10g per piece right now. Just avoid the D.E.H.T.A. druids when you’re covered in Mammoth pieces.

Auction House Pricing

When you puts your loots up for sale on the AH check the existing prices first. I use Auctioneer (advanced,) but it’s not essential for price checking. Some people seem to skip this step. For example, let’s say prices for an ore are going at 45g a stack. BobBank comes buy and throws his up there for 200g a stack. Lol wut? Why? I think sometimes its to screw the Auctioneer data, other times people just aren’t looking. It’s a waste of effort since it’ll never sell.

Next comes NotAfarmer, who posts a pile of stacks at 5g each (when the market is 45.) Sigh… what do you do with these people? First, he’s hurting himself since he could get a lot more for each stack, next he’s hurting the market. Actually this is great for buyers, but we greedy types would like to see things a bit higher, which makes it worth our while to farm or make the item. What some of us will then do is buy out all of NotAfarmer’s stuff and resell it at market price.

Then there’s ZogMuffin, who puts up 20 stacks of something at market price or lower. The issue here isn’t necessarily the pricing, but that Zog is locking up 20 stacks of his inventory, which won’t sell, because BobBank gets a clue and undercuts him. So the first few items the buyer sees are Bob’s and Zog gets all his items back in the mail when his auctions expire.

Unless you have a monopoly on an item I don’t suggest putting up a lot of that item. Store the surplus in your bank if it’s selling and prices seem reasonably stable. Post one item at a time if it’s a slow seller, just a few if it sells faster. You’ll sell just as much and you’ll have fewer returns to deal with.

It’s funny sometimes… You see a game where one person posts his items and then he and three or four others will alternately undercut each other by pennies. Then NotAfarmer comes along and dumps a pile of that item, undercutting everyone by 60%. So one of two things happens: his stuff gets bought out by another seller (for resale) or the price creep game starts again at the new, lower, price.

Need More Bank Space?

Make a private guild, just for your banker/mule. Start it up like any other guild, then kick everyone out when its ready to go. It’s probably a good idea if you let them know your plans ahead of time. Bribery (2-5 gold per signature) will get sign-ups a lot faster.

Once done you have access to that nice, large, guild bank. All to yourself. Every once in a great while someone sells their guild and that’s the one I have. Didn’t have to bother with the signup fuss and only paid 70 gold. Then I bought another pair of tabs and now bank space is no longer an issue.

Storing stuff in the mailbox is a good idea for smaller quantities, but doesn’t work so well for larger quantities due to bugs in the system. You won’t lose stuff (as long as you don’t store it for more than 30 days,) but you might not  see it either, until the mailbox is emptied.

Summing Up

Mining and Herbalism for the (gathering) Gold.

Dedicated bankers are a good idea, for all of your buying and selling, and private guilds allow lots of storage space.

Watch the current prices so you can make a good choice about pricing your stuff and try to avoid posting a ton of stuff at one time.

Nov 262008

Death Knight PvP at level 80, from the beta. Siege Vehicles! ’nuff said.

I haven’t started a DK yet. Yeah, I know, I’m bad. I did play one for awhile in the beta and I’m looking forward to it, but I think I’m going to get my Rogue up to 80, first. I haven’t had much time to play recently and I’m only level 73.

So. DKs and PvP. What do you think of them as they stand, now?

Are they the overall destruction machine of choice? Or strong against casters and Ok against others? Or…? Are they the Gankers or the Gankees?

For the one or two of you (like me) who haven’t started your Death Knight yet and want a leg up, the free leveling guide to the DK starter area is still up.

On Blogging and Trackbacks

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Nov 182008

People who read more than a couple of posts on this blog may have noticed that I frequently quote and link to other blogs for various topics, sometimes I’ll have several of those in one post.

The main reason is that there are a lot of people who know more than I do about World of Warcraft, and the other reason is for the trackbacks.

A trackback is just an acknowledgment on blog A that Blog B has linked to a particular post. They’re easy to make and they’re pretty much automatic for the more recent blogging platforms.

Pretty much everything I know about trackbacks (and linking) came from linking expert Jack Humphrey. He’s put together an easy to understand video, which explains all of the How and Why of trackbacks.

Check it out: How to do a trackback to get more links and traffic

Nov 172008

The land of Northrend, in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, is rich in various herbs. Herbalists will fnally be able to level their skills, again, and they will have an opportunity to get rich. Northrend herbs, for now, are selling for 30+ gold a stack, for the most common herbs, and higher for the others.

This, of course, is making inscribers unhappy since they have to grind up 5 herbs to make pigments for their inks. Alchemist are used to paying through the nose for their herbs (fel lotus) and this probably won’t change much. Still, prices will eventually drop as the farmers are done with leveling and start farming.

So here’s the list of the herbs that you can find in Northrend, with links to more info (on Inscribers should just grab whichever herb is cheapest and easiest, likely to be Goldclover for some time) and mill those.

Alchemists can click through the links to see which recipes can be made from these herbs.

  • Goldclover, 325 herbalism, all over the place in grassy areas. This one herb will take your skill to well over 400.
  • Deadnettle, drops with Goldclover
  • Firethorn, 325 herbalism, not millable, drops leaves and seeds that provide a buff (and a debuff,) I also saw a frost lotus drop and a crystallized life. Found around the hot pools in Borean Tundra.
  • Tiger lily, 400 Herbalism, found along the edges of waterways, just like Liferoot.
  • Frozen Herbs – All over the Dragonblight. 400+ skill to pick. These aren’t really distinct herbs, rather they are frozen Tiger lily, Talandra’s Rose, and Goldclover.
  • Constrictor Grass
  • Icethorn
  • Lichbloom, Requires 425 Herbalism and is found in places with snow areas I.E. Icecrown and Storm Peaks
  • Adder’s Tongue, This stuff is all over the place in Sholozar Basin, requires 430 Herbalism
  • Talandra’s rose, all over the place in the lower tiers of Zul’Drak
  • Frost Lotus, rarely picked directly, usually drops off other herbs, much like fel lotus


Note: If you are collecting herbs to sell you should think about the size of the stack that you post on the AH. If you’re selling to Inscribers then post in multiples of 5 and they will sell faster. If you are selling to Alchemists then check Thottbot or WoWhead for the number of herbs any particular potion needs and then sell that stack size.