On Blogging and Trackbacks

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Nov 182008

People who read more than a couple of posts on this blog may have noticed that I frequently quote and link to other blogs for various topics, sometimes I’ll have several of those in one post.

The main reason is that there are a lot of people who know more than I do about World of Warcraft, and the other reason is for the trackbacks.

A trackback is just an acknowledgment on blog A that Blog B has linked to a particular post. They’re easy to make and they’re pretty much automatic for the more recent blogging platforms.

Pretty much everything I know about trackbacks (and linking) came from linking expert Jack Humphrey. He’s put together an easy to understand video, which explains all of the How and Why of trackbacks.

Check it out: How to do a trackback to get more links and traffic

Aug 282008

This is just for fun, but is something that will be interesting to those of you who have blogs. The topic is from Promotional Magazine and references a post on Problogger.com regarding writing good post titles. Here’s the link to the article on Promo Mag: Problogger’s Killer Blog Titles ~ Submission Favorites

An excerpt:

Day 1 & 2 submissions have been posted on Problogger website: Killer Titles – Group Writing Project Submissions. As promised the latest titles run the gamut using tips from Darren Rowse’s How to Craft Post Titles that Draw Readers Into Your Blog. They include: communicate a benefit, create controversy, ask a question, personalize, use keywords, use power words, big claims and promises, and humor titles…

Some sample titles that have come up:

* Did you put your pants on this morning?
* In My Dojo, Cheaters And Failures Are Welcome
* DUH v. DOH – All You Need to Know
* Can I Get You A Slurpie with This Post?
* Sacrificing Goats and Eating Brains
* I’m Two Socksy for This Blog

Check it out, even if you only read blogs.

Killer Blog Contest

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Aug 072008

If any of you have a blog then you might want to check this out. Jason Henderson at BigMarketingOnline.com is running a blogging contest with, at last glance, over 30k in prizes. All of these prizes should be of interest to anyone running a blog and he has lots of prizes, so I think the chances of winning aren’t bad.

He also has a task list, at the end of the post, where you can get additional entries into the contest. Check it out here: Over 30 Thousand Dollars in Cash and Prizes in Largest Blog Contest Ever