This guide is a collaborative effort with Necrolina, produced by SkillCapped. All of our written guides are available for free, and we encourage you to post them wherever you’d like as long as you use a link back!
Note: This guide was originally for patch 5.2 and has been updated by me for 5.3. Here is the original page. Also this guide assumes that you’re level 90. If you’re not yet there, then go here and get there.
- Stat Priority
- Adjusting Stats As You Grind
- Optimal Final Stats
- Getting Started
- Honor Gear
- Conquest Gear
- The Best Holy Paladin PvP Gear in Season 12
- Holy Paladin PvP Professions
Healing spells always land on your target, which makes Spell Hit rating obsolete for healing spells. Holy Paladins also have Holy Insight, which is more than enough additional Spell Hit to reach the 6% Spell Hit cap when trying to assist in damaging your team’s kill target, Holy Wrathto reduce damage output, or land a timely Hammer of Justice. It is also of note that although it is not mentioned in the tooltip, Hammer of Justice, Blinding Light, and other control abilities, benefit from Holy Insight as well.
There are no “Mandatory” stats for Holy Paladins.
Ideal Stat Gains
In this section, you will find a list of stats along with their descriptions; stats are ordered based on their importance. While gearing, you should focus on achieving the following stats based on this priority hierarchy:
- Intellect
- Intellect increases your spell power and chance to Crit with spells. In previous expansions, Intellect also had the added benefit of increasing your mana pool, but mana levels are now static in Mists of Pandaria. Increasing Intellect will increase your healing throughput and your heals will return more health to your target per spell. In addition, Critical Strike is one of our top priorities in terms of secondary stats!
- Spirit
- In Mists of Pandaria, mana pools have been capped at 300,000 mana and can no longer be increased by stacking Intellect. Spirit increases the rate at which mana regenerates. While mana efficiency is pretty solid for Holy Paladins, Spirit helps to ensure your mana pool is not depleted over the course of a PvP encounter.
- PvP Resilience
- PvP Resilience reduces the damage your opponent does to you. In a PvP scenario, increasing your damage or healing output is amazing, but decreasing the amount of damage you take can dictate how a PvP scenario plays out. You can’t heal if you’re dead!
- In patch 5.3 Resilience has changed. The value of the gems has been cut in half (320 to 160) and everyone enters PvP with a base resilience of 65%, regardless of gear. In addition, Res. has been removed from most high end gear, though it’s still present on low level gear.
- PvP Power
- PVP Power increases all of your healing against other players. This additional healing increases linearly and does not fall subject to diminishing returns, making this stat more and more effective as you gear your character.
- The additional benefit to healing spells is 50% of the damage increase PvP Power provides for dps classes, making this stat a bit less enticing for Healers, but still an effective throughput stat.
- PvP Power was also nerfed in 5.3, by a third, and the gems values were also cut in half. The PvP Power on your gear will be fine, but don’t gem for it.
- Mastery
- Holy Paladins benefit from Mastery: Illuminated Healing, which creates an damage absorb shield on targets you cast direct healing effects on. This increases Holy Paladin throughput by a significant margin, as the overwhelming majority of Holy Paladin healing spells are considered direct healing. Mastery is an excellent secondary stat to allocate into.
- Critical Strike
- Critical Strike, or Crit, is another decent stat to accumulate for a Holy Paladin. Critical Strikes when using Holy Shock activate our passive Infusion of Light. The reduced cast times on Holy Light, Divine Light, and Holy Radiance makes topping off you and your teammates much easier, and can make a huge difference in how a PvP encounter plays out.
- Haste
- Haste reduces the cast time of your abilities and reduces the duration of the Global Cooldown (the minor cooldown that is invoked after casting spells). Haste helps to ensure your important spell casts go uninterrupted (Holy Light, Divine Light, etc.), an important factor in PvP, as there are several interrupt mechanics in the game. Although beneficial, the reduced cast times do not justify allocation out of other important secondary stats.
- Divine Favor can also be used in a pinch, when additional haste and crit is required for survival. This ability is quite potent, as it also increases the crit chance of Holy Shock even further, which could lead to even faster casts via Infusion of Light
Stat Priority
Intellect > Spirit > Mastery > PvP Power > Crit > Haste > PvP Resilience
Here we will be explaining exactly how to obtain, and what the optimal gear choices are while building up your character. While you are accumulating gear, it is important to recognize that until you have your completed set, your stats will constantly be changing. It is extremely important to be mindful of what stats are most important for your class as you work towards your optimal set, and make item selections based on what will have the most profound impact on your performance.
Always try to accumulate as much PvP Resilience as you can until you are in the best gear Season 12 offers. Being able to survive with enemy players on you is going to be extremely important. Without proper peeling techniques from your partners, you can be in trouble very quickly, so it is not advised to prioritize Intellect (or other throughput enhancing stats) until you reach a decent PvP Resilience level.
- It is unnecessary to work for more resilience, unless you feel the need for it. With the base 65% and your heals you should be fine.
- Mana efficiency is another concern, and maximizing your energy regeneration and throughput will also help to extend your life and the life of your partners. While stacking Spirit does help with this (and recommended), it is important to try and find a balance of Spirit, Intellect, and PvP Power that works with your play style. Remember, more Intellect means higher heal values, which will result in less healing necessary to keep your team topped off.
These stats reflect what we have researched and believe to be the best obtainable stats for Season 13 using Conquest gear with the Elite gear set. These stats are here to give you a benchmark as you work towards completing your gear set.
- Mastery: 3,345
- PvP Resilience: 9,067
- Spirit: 8,088
- Intellect: 14,721
- Haste: 3,302
- PvP Power: 11,584
- Crit: 2,991
This section is geared towards people who have recently hit 90 for the first time, or have an under-geared alt that needs to be primed for beginning the PvP gear grind.
Upon achieving level 90, we do NOT advise you to just jump into an Arena, or start grinding Battleground’s, or do any sort of PvP for that matter fresh off of leveling in your leveling items. Chances are many of the enemies in a Battleground will significantly out-gear your fresh level 90, which means they will have a significant advantage over you in a PvP setting. Something that we promise will save you a lot of grief, speed up your grind, and make your PvP experience that much more enjoyable would be to obtain the crafted PvP gear right away. Here is a list of all of the items you should immediately obtain before you start PvP’ing in Mists of Pandaria:
Note: in patch 5.4 this will all be Malevolent Crafted gear, though the gemming and reforging should be the same.
Tip: It is normally much cheaper to get the materials for these items yourself and have someone craft them for you, rather than buying them off of the Auction House. Even if you just buy the materials off the Auction House and spam trade, it’s normally cheaper. Always check first for good deals on the Auction House, though!
Tip 2: Gemming and enchanting this gear is not really necessary, since (ideally) you won’t be in it very long. If you do want to gem & enchant it, and have the gold, then scroll down to the Conquest gear for recommendations.
Should I get the Honor Gear?
The short answer: 0/2 Malevolent Season 12 gear is roughly in-line with Malevolent Season 13 gear. 1/2 and 2/2 upgraded Malevolent Season 12 gear is better than Malevolent Season 13 gear.
The detail: Not only is there a new arena season in patch 5.2, but also new PvE content. Blizzard did not want Honor PvP gear to have the same (or higher) item level as the PvE gear available from the Looking For Raid system. The decision was made to reduce the item level of the Malevolent Season 13 gear available for purchase, while increasing the Stamina, PvP Power, and PvP Resilience values to offset the differential. Season 12 gear that was earned last season is not effected by the change.
If you did not participate in Season 12, honor gear should be accumulated to increase your characters power. The stat differential going from the Crafted Dreadful set to Malevolent Season 13 gear is significant and will greatly increase you chances of success in a a PvP setting.
Malevolent season 12 gear that was not upgraded is essentially in line with the Malevolent season 13 gear. The differential between 0/2 upgrade Malevolent season 12 and Malevolent season 13 gear is miniscule, if any differential at all, so it is NOT NECESSARY to upgrade. If you have any upgraded season 12 gear (1/2 or 2/2), those pieces will be superior to the lower item level gear available for honor and those items should be retained.
What Honor Gear to Get, and What Order
If you did not participate in season 12, you should upgrade your gear using the Malevolent Season 13 set available at the honor vendor. Below you will find a list of all of the honor gear pieces you can obtain. They are listed in order of their stat benefits to you. That is, if you go follow this list in order, you will get the best stats first. This is not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but we feel if you are going to gear up, you might as well do it in an efficiently as possible.
If you already own the Season 12 equivalent of this gear, simply skip over that item and proceed to the next!
Gems for the Holy Paladin Honor Gear
Take the first gem if you feel like you need more spirit, the second choice is for more healing power.
For enchants scroll down to the Conquest gear for suggestions.
The Gear
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Ornamented Legplates – Reforge Haste to Spirit
- Head, chest, and legs are all comparable. The order here was chosen due to the Mastery and Haste values on the Legs.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Ornamented Chestguard – Reforge Haste to Mastery
- The Chest is next due to its sizable Spirit allocation.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Gavel – Reforge Crit to Spirit
- Once you have earned 7250 honor points in Season 13, you may purchase your weapon, by far the largest damage increase you can purchase. The main hand/Shield combo offers the best stats for a Holy Paladin.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Redoubt
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Ornamented Headcover – Reforge Crit to Spirit
- The Helm has a sizable Mastery weighting and benefits from a meta gem slot (Ember Primal Diamond is a strong choice here).
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Ornamented Spaulders
- For the next tier, shoulders offer the largest upgrade with high Mastery and Spirit allocations.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Greaves of Meditation
- The Boots offers both Spirit and Mastery, two very important stats.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Clasp of Meditation – Reforge Haste to Mastery
- High Spirit values make the Belt a strong addition. You can also add a Living Steel Belt Buckle for an additional gem slot.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Ornamented Gloves – Reforge Haste to Mastery
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Band of Meditation – Reforge Haste to Mastery
- Meditation Ring is appropriate here due to it’s spirit allocation
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Bracers of Meditation – Reforge Crit to Mastery
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Drape of Meditation – Reforge Crit to Mastery
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Pendant of Meditation – Reforge Haste to Mastery
- Purchase the Wrists and Cloak next, followed by the Neck piece.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Band of Cruelty – Reforge Crit to Spirit
- Relic of Chi Ji
- PvP Power does not benefit healers as much as it does for dps classes, as PvP Power’s effectiveness is 50% of the benefit awarded for healers when compared to damage dealers. If you have the cash flow, buying the Crane Deck and completing the quest for the Relic of Chi Ji yields better performance than PvP trinkets (due to the high passive Intellect and the massive Spirit buff proc).
- If you cannot afford the Darkmoon Fair trinket, use Malevolent Gladiator’s Emblem of Meditation for the added survivability, or Malevolent Gladiator’s Badge of Dominance for the additional throughput awarded.
- Malevolent Gladiator’s Medallion of Meditation
- Due to this item’s lack of primary stats, this should be your last pick-up, provided you have a PvP trinket from a previous season. The Meditation trinket is used to ensure our Spirit levels stay high enough to prevent mana concerns. If you do not already have a trinket that removes movement impairing effects, THIS SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST PICK-UP.
What Conquest Gear to Get, and What Order
This season, there are two tiers of conquest gear. In hopes of creating a more level playing field, Blizzard has decided to do away with rating requirements for all items (except for a weapon enchant to help differentiate players that have attained a high rating). This means that all players will have access to the best PvP gear available, provided they earn enough conquest points to purchase the items.
The second tier of conquest gear, or “elite” gear, is only available for purchase once you’ve amassed a certain number of conquest points for this season. Once 27,000 Conquest points are earned, it will unlock the “elite” tier gear. It is also important to mention that a new honor quartermaster will also be made available, which will have the non-elite gear available for honor points! This will be of particular value to hybrid classes, as they can participate in Battlegrounds to purchase their off-set PvP items.
If you have a mix of upgraded and non-upgraded gear from last season, prioritize the gear that has NOT been upgraded. The stat gains will be greater.
Gems for the Holy Paladin Conquest Gear
In patch 5.2 the best choice was to get as much Resilience as possible. In 5.3 everyone starts at 65% Resilience, so that advice is no longer useful. PvP Power is similar, in that the stat was nerfed and the gem values were cut in half (320 to 160.)
Go here if you need help getting enough gold for all your stuff.
Take the first gem if you feel like you need more spirit, the second choice is for more healing power.
Chest – 2,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Ornamented Chestguard
- Best Gems
- Best Enchants
- Reforge
Head – 2,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Ornamented Headcover
- Best Gems
- Best Enchants
- Head enchants were taken out of the game in Mists of Pandaria!
- Reforge
Weapon (Main Hand)
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Gavel
Weapon (Off Hand)
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Redoubt
Legs – 2,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Ornamented Legplates
Shoulder – 1,750 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Ornamented Spaulders
- Best Gems
- Best Enchants
- Reforge
Feet – 1,750 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Greaves of Meditation
- Best Gems
- Best Enchants
- Reforge
Waist – 1,750 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Clasp of Meditation
Hands – 1,750 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Ornamented Gloves
- Best Gems
- Best Enchants
- Reforge
Ring 1 – 1,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Band of Meditation
Wrist – 1,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Bracers of Meditation
Back – 1,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Drape of Meditation
Neck – 1,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Pendant of Meditation
Ring 2 – 1,250 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Band of Cruelty
Relic of Chi Ji
Trinket 2 – 1,750 Conquest Points
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Medallion of Meditation
Elite Gear is available for purchase after earning (not necessarily spending) 27,000 Conquest Points. Any piece of gear that actually alters the appearance of your character will have an Elite upgrade (in other words – chest, helm, legs, shoulders, gloves, belt, boots, and weapon).
Remember, once you earn 27,000 Conquest Points this season, you will also be able to purchase Non-Elite Conquest gear with Honor Points! This is of particular value to hybrid classes that would like to switch specs, from say a healer, to a dps class. Instead of having to use additional Conquest Points on your off-spec gear, you can farm Battlegrounds for your gear! Note: the 27,000 Conquest Point threshold is essentially a full set of conquest gear.
Follow the same gemming and enchanting template that was used in the previous section.
Our goal is to give you the absolute best gear set up you can achieve as a Holy Paladin in Season 12, and part of that is choosing the right professions. Before we tell you what the best professions are, we should note that when comparing professions, there is a very marginal benefit to your overall gear set, and you should not sacrifice a profession you really enjoy for the sake of a minor stat increase. Leveling a new profession can be costly!
That being said, here are the best professions for a Holy Paladins in Mists of Pandaria PvP:
This is the best Profession for a Holy Paladin because of the two extra gem slots that can be used to refine your stats. Blacksmithing offers you the best customization, as you are able to increase primary stats, along with the freedom to choose various secondary stats, such as Mastery, Spirit, or even PvP Power and PvP Resilience! Other professions simply do not offer this much customization for your character.
The next two Professions were a split decision between our pros, and are totally up to what you want to do.
Jewelcrafting allows your character to use Willful Serpent’s Eye in two of your red slots. This offers you a boost to survivability along with some added damage. Mysterious Serpent’s Eye is also available to add even damage and healing throughput, if you feel your survivability is sufficient.
Engineering has the Synapse Springs gadget, which is pretty sweet.
Herbalism has Lifeblood, a massive Haste cooldown.
Good Luck!
This guide is a collaborative effort with Necrolina, produced by SkillCapped. All of our written guides are available for free, and we encourage you to post them wherever you’d like as long as you use a link back!
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