Zygor’s Leveling Guide, the Short Review

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Jun 032008

I’ll post a longer one, presently. (edit 6/12: The longer guide review is here.)

Zygor’s Leveling Guide is one of the newest of the leveling guides and I think it kicks the iDemise guide in the butt. Both of these are in-game guides, but while the iDemise guide is attached to your main map (and it ain’t at all bad) the Zygor guide is present on your main screen at all times.

It’s an addon, so installation is simple. You dump it into your addons folder and it’ll load automatically. If your character is new just start from step 1, otherwise scroll through the guide till you find the right place for your level and go from there.

I ran an Undead Warrior up to 12 and a Blood Elf Paladin up to 16 using the guide and had no issues and never had to consult the quest log.

Here’s a screenshot of the minimalized guide

  • Note the waypoint arrow at the top of the screen. It also lists the current quest, special things to look out for, and the distance to go to reach the objective.
  • Note the bright dot on the mini-map, marking the goal. There’s also one on the big map.
  • The quest box appears on the main screen at all times, but you can get rid of it by clicking the X at the top right corner. Bring it back by hitting the ZY button on your mini-map (in the 8:00 position in this screenshot)
  • Level and quest objectives are also tracked.

Here’s another screenshot showing the full guide.

  • Note the dot on the mini-map and the waypoint at the top of the screen.
  • Also note the expanded guide showing the quest list. Quests that have been finished are greyed out, while the current quest is highlighted.
  • Sometimes the guide will not update the current quest. If that happens just click the next one and it’ll pick with up from there.
  • The guide also keeps track of your level and your exect stop in the guide. If you log out (you do log out sometimes, don’t you?) the guide will remember your position and start up from that point when you come back. Try that with a PDF or the iDemise guide.

Class quests are not included. You’ll have to grab those on your own, they’re not part of the guide. But then again, Joana’s Guide only had the Hunter quests and the iDemise guide has none, either.

Where to go next is also detailed. New to a zone and not sure where to go to get to the next one? Zygor’s will show you the way.

Notes: I didn’t have to look at the quest logs at all. No trips to Thottbot or any of the other WoW sites and I hardly looked at the big map, except to keep an eye on my location.

How much time do you think you’ll save on your blast to 70 by not having to consult your quest logs, thottbot, the main map, or having to set your own waypoints?

The perfect guide? Well, for that it would have to include the class quests. It would also have to remind you to grab flypoints, repair your gear, go to the bathroom, get something to eat …

So check it out here

Massive WoW Gold Blueprint Launch is Coming to a Close

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May 312008

If you are considering the Massive WoW Gold Blueprint then you should think about getting it now. On the 2nd of June three things will happen:

  1. The price goes up by $30
  2. The Invite to Gold Speed Run 2 goes away. That run should be starting in a couple of days. You also won’t get the detailed logs from Gold Speed Run 1.
  3. The access to the four Q&A calls goes away

It’ll still be a very worthwhile package to pick up, as it completely blows away everythng else out there, but if you grab it now then you get the discount and the extra goodies.

Most of the other guides are PDFs, which is fine, and one of those PDFs is mostly screenshots, which isn’t. The Blueprint is a series of videos which walk you through every step of setting up your gold machine.

Consisting of four modules, each covering a week, the blueprint will teach you everything you need, regardless of whether you’ve been playing WoW since beta, like my boys, or started yesterday. For example, week 1 consists of 21 videos, including three videos for installing and managing addons (you’ll find these addons make the gold game much easier.)

If you’ve looked at the videos in the previous posts then you know the quality of the videos in the guide. They’re similar, but longer and go into more detail and there’s a lot more of them.

I’ve always enjoyed the gold game and have managed to obtain quite a bit on my WoW characters and those of other MMOs that I’ve played. I’m going through this blueprint and am taking notes, because I think it’s going to make the gold game much easier and faster to play.

I think that if you follow this guide then by the time you get to 70 you’ll be buying that Epic Flying Mount (costs 6k with the training) out of petty cash. You’ll have lots left over to put these expensive enchants on your epic weapons, too. I know, the enchants are cheap, it’s the materials that are expensive.

So click through here and you’ll see what it’s all about. Then look through the previous posts to see some of the sample videos.

edit 6/1/08: I emailed Jon and I need to correct something. The fast action bonuses are going away on Monday the 2nd, probably in the evening. The price will increase, but it might not happen on Monday. So if you want access to speed runs 1 & 2, act before Mon eve. If you want the discount, you might have a few extra days. I don’t know exactly when the price will increase, but it will happen. Probably no more than a week from now.

A Review of Joana’s Horde Leveling Guide

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May 162008

Joana’s 1-70 Horde Leveling Guide is a step-by-step guide that will take your Horde character, of any race or class, to level 70 very quickly. The entire leveling path is laid out in an easy to follow manner and is exactly the same path that Joana uses to set speed leveling records.

In a way you could call it a HUnter Leveling Guide since Joana always uses Hunters for those speed records and since the guide contains all the Hunter pet quests. I ran through the guide as a Rogue, from 1 to 70, and had few problems. Most classes should be able to get through the entire guide with little problem.

Some things to point out: There are some Elite quests. Go here, kill this elite mob. Well, as a Rogue (and pretty new to the game) I quickly learned that the Elites were better left to groups or for a time when I was a few levels higher. However, Joana solos them and so does my kid (with a Hunter,) so it can be done.

Some of the quests are group quests, especially once you hit Ouitlands. Like groups? No problem. Hate groups? Guess you’ll have to skip them or gain a few levels, get some uber gear, and try again.

I think you’ll find that Joana’s Guide will move you along that leveling path pretty quickly. My time to 70 was just over 15 days (using the /played command to check,) but this was my first character past level 5. On either side. My next one will be a lot faster. I’l post it when it happens (it’ll be awhile.)

You can check out Joana’s Guide directly, here, or you can check out a more in depth review: