[tag-tec]Wrath of the Lich King[/tag-tec] is going to bring many changes to the World of Warcraft and one of these changes will be to crush many of the addons that you’re using. As if you didn’t already have that figured out.
This is to be expected given all the basic changes being made. Blizzard is revamping a lot of stuff and I think a lot of it isn’t making it into the patch notes (big surprise, right? ) So with the addons there are many that work and many others that partially work and some that are totally broken.
Being that the whole thing is still in beta I think we can expect more breaking, more pwning of defenseless addons, and maybe a few that suddenly start working.
WoWwiki has a list of wow addons that currently work, or don’t, with the Wrath beta. Check it out here.
If your favorite addon is broken you might want to send some flowers and/or cookies to the developer and beg them for a Wrath update.
One Response to “Your WoW Addons Crushed by the Wrath of the Lich King”
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Illu 🙂
Thanks for the great tip! I’m swooshing over there as we speak… let’s hope I don’t run off crying when I see which addons work and which don’t…
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