Killer Blog Contest

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Aug 072008

If any of you have a blog then you might want to check this out. Jason Henderson at is running a blogging contest with, at last glance, over 30k in prizes. All of these prizes should be of interest to anyone running a blog and he has lots of prizes, so I think the chances of winning aren’t bad.

He also has a task list, at the end of the post, where you can get additional entries into the contest. Check it out here: Over 30 Thousand Dollars in Cash and Prizes in Largest Blog Contest Ever

The Mightly Massive WoW Gold Blueprint Contest

 Get the Gold  Comments Off on The Mightly Massive WoW Gold Blueprint Contest
May 222008

The Massive WoW Gold Blueprint is a step by step guide to putting massive amounts of World of Warcraft Gold into your account. It will come out in a few days and will include videos, PDFs, how to, why to, and where to in order to amass this gold.

And no, you don’t need to be level 70.

Do you need a copy? Enough to try to convince Jonathan Kinens that you do? Well, you have your chance. He’s announced that he’s running a contest and the winner gets a free copy of the Massive WoW Gold Blueprint. Actually, there will be two winners and each of them will get a copy. It could be you.

Here’s how it works. Click through to any of the links below and watch the videos, if you haven’t already. That way you’ll learn what the Blueprint is all about. Then click through to the blog, find the contest post, and leave a comment telling Jon just why you are the one who most deserves to win.

So why are you still here?