Aug 212008

As some of you know this is a fairly new WoW blog, so I don’t know about all the other WoW blogs our there. I’m starting to look around more though, really!

So here are a few I just bumped into via a post on the Twisted Nether Blogcast: Writing an Article Series. I am also linking to the actual article series posted on these sites, where appropriate.

They’re all fun blogs, so check them out even if you don’t have the appropriate class.

4 HaelzWhy Join Before the Expansion? The Time is Now is a five-part series on joining a raiding guild before the expansion. 4 Haelz is a blog about Druids in general and the resto tree in specific.

World of Matticus Assigning Healing Strategy – Part 1: Recognizing Class Strengths. Lots of raid and priest stuff here, but also a lot of other good stuff.

Hoof and Healz – If you’re a resto shammy and you raid you’ll want to check this one out. Raid Guides

Aspect of the Hare – A cool blog for Hunters. Their tag line says it all: Because it’s not just a class, it’s an obsession. So if you have a Hunter, check it out. So You Want to Play a Hunter

Too Many Annas– Blogging about Life, Resto Shammies, Raids, Warcraft and other Musings. A fun read. Be a Shamanistic Genius (while you level)!

Ok, now I’m going to kill something in AV. Maybe a big sheep thing…

  5 Responses to “Some Cool WoW Blogs”

  1. Hey! Thanks for the trackback – I’d not seen your blog before!

    Also – shameless plugging on my part 😀 Jager has the Karazhan and Z’A guides… and I have SSC and TK:The Eye guides for healers (particularly shamans) – should be starting Hyjal and BT stuff soon. Fun tiems!

    Annas last blog post..In Which Annorah Steps On Her Soapbox

  2. What’s this? Fresh meat? :O

    Matticuss last blog post..World of Warcraft Meets Alltop – Where’s Matt?

  3. Nice – I’ll have to check some of these guys out, good start!

  4. Very good blogs I must say. I have seen them before but they are of highest quality. I should make a rogues guide to Kara after reading the heal guides for it


  5. Great article! There are tons of WOW Blogs these days…I sometimes wonder if it’s even worth creating one since a lot of content is already covered…but I guess ones opinion can always difer from the rest…

    dailywarhammer´s last blog post..WAR vs WOW-Blizzard “copies” Scenarios

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