Check out Quassia. They have an interesting system to get links back to your site and I’ll be fussing around with them later this week. It’s all free as of this writing.
Basically you write or submit intell (articles) on the subject of your choice and get links back to your site. Since the links aren’t buried in some directory someplace they might actually get clicked.
Links in the articles are nofollow, links outside the articles aren’t. Right now the site looks to be mostly marketing related, since those are the most popular tags, but that’s ok, and they really do have a lot of other articles. You just have to dig through the tags a bit. 🙂
All the navigation is done by tags. So if you want to find the stuff on WoW then you go to the alphabetical list, click “W,” and you’ll get the “W” tags. There are several that are WoW related.
So check ’em out, see if it looks good to you, maybe write some intell, and maybe we can get some traffic from it.
Here’s my, somewhat barren, profile page. You can browse the site from there, just like Facebook and the others.
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